Booker leader

He was a weak man of 90 years. Jaski did not have money۔ He did not even rent the landlord for five months۔ One day the landlord came to receive rent in Tash and angrily threw the old man's belongings out of the house۔


What was the stuff۔ A four pie ‘ a plastic bucket and a few old pots ۔ Sit on the sidewalk in front of a full picture of Becharigi, a person with a piracy۔ This is the event of a neighborhood from the general city of Ahmadabad۔ The neighborhood met and went to the landlord۔ He pleaded that he would allow this old man to stay home۔ Because no heir to him۔


In two months, the full rent will be borrowed and paid in nowhere۔ It was agreed that a newspaper reporter passed through۔ He longed at the Nehif and the helpless man۔Take pictures of all the cases۔ The editor went to see how a mufflock was taken out of the house today۔ And then the neighborhood took two months to get in the middle۔ The editor was shocked to see pictures of the elderly man۔


The reporter asked if you knew this person۔ The reporter laughed that the editor was ۔ What an extraordinary thing in this old man is that anyone should pay attention to it۔ Don't even know the axes۔ Eat one time of food۔ The vessel also was washed itself۔ He also asks himself a little shake in the house۔ Who knew it۔


The editor seriously told the reporter that it had been India's second-party prime minister and was named after Gulzari Lal Nehanda۔ The reporter's mouth was surprisingly open۔ Indian Prime Minister and in this misery۔ Well, the next day the newspaper was hidden, the resurrection came۔ People learned that this modest old Indian had a post-Azam minister۔

On the hiding news

The Chief Minister and the Prime Minister also learned that Gulzari Lal was breathing in which muffles۔ A few hours after the news was published, the Chief Minister of the State ‘ Chief Secretary and several ministers arrived in the neighborhood۔ Everyone combined their hands and said that they move you to the government house and the government would also set a monthly stipend۔


God leave the house with this ordinary۔ Magar Gulzari Lal strongly denied and said that he had no right to any kind of government facility۔ He will stay here in the same quarter۔ A few relatives of Glazari Lal persuaded him to accept a five hundred stipend each month, however, by following the vows۔ The former prime minister agreed to receive the money after a difficult limit۔ Now the rent began to be drunk in this short amount۔


When the landlord learned that his tenant had been the prime minister of the whole country۔ So Gulzari came to Lal and grabbed the foot that he didn't know at all that his tenant had been fired at this highest position۔ The old man replied that he did not need to tell who he was۔ That's a little tenant and that's it۔ As long as the glazary red lived, he lived in the same house and spent five hundred rupees until his death۔


Gulzari Lal Neh was a man of amazing character۔ He was born in 1898 in Sialcott۔ And died in 1998 in Ahmedabad۔ After the death of Jawahar Lal Nahro, he was prime minister in 1964۔ And even after the death of the Red Brave Shastri in 1966, he held this high position۔ Basically FC College continued to study economics from Lahore۔ In fact, he was an economics teacher۔


He taught at the universities of Mumbai and Ahmedabad۔ If he came to politics, the Union Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Deputy Chairman was also the Planning Commission۔ Several times Lok Sabha was also elected a member۔ Gulzari was Lal Kafsifa that life should be very simple۔ Be happy with the very short amount without any splendor۔The example set out in the Basejo Galsari Red Simplicity requires a strong role to play۔



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